- Payment is required before any booking is confirmed. Tentative or unconfirmed bookings are not permitted.
- Payment may be made via our web-store facility (preferred) or by credit card over the phone.
- Gift Voucher sales are final and non-refundable
- Gift Vouchers are valid for 3 years and may be transferred but are NOT REFUNDABLE
- Online bookings may be rescheduled up to 24 hrs prior to confirmed times without penalty, however cancellations for avoidable reasons inside 24 hours, or participants failing to arrive for the booked time without notice will forfeit the purchase price and will not be re-booked.
- AAA will make every attempt to fly on a participant’s booked date & time, however we reserve the right to reschedule flights without penalty or refund due to unsuitable weather conditions (including strong wind, low cloud, poor visibility, high temperature or thunderstorms) or other reasons beyond AAA’s control.
- Refunds for any flight bookings will not be given, except in exceptional circumstances (e.g., serious illness or misadventure), and at the discretion of AAA. In such cases, a $50.00 admin fee will apply.
- Participants must be able-bodied, in good health and be prepared to disclose any known medical conditions which, in the opinion of AAA staff, may affect the safety of the flight.
- Participants must be over 18 years of age, or be between 13 and 18 years of age and have explicit parental consent to participate.
- AAA reserves the right to refuse participation to any individual who may be under the influence of drugs and / or alcohol.
- Due to aircraft limitations, the following participant weight limits apply:
Robin aircraft (UFLY experience) 95 kg
Pitts aircraft (THRILLSEEKER experience) 90 kg
Extra aircraft (ULTIMATE & EXTREME experiences) 100kg