Expand your horizons and learn to fly in the night sky!
Learning to fly at night is an important skill for any prospective Commercial pilot. It’s also useful for Private pilots who don’t want to be unnecessarily constrained by daylight hours!
The AAA NVFR course is a comprehensive course which contains:
Instrument flight consolidation (full- and limited-panel)
Night take-offs and landings
Night visual navigation including supplemental radio navigation aids and GPS use
The instrument flight hours gained on the course can be counted toward the minimum of 10 required for the issue of a Commercial Pilot Licence, making this course an ideal stepping stone between PPL and CPL training.
What’s better than just flying? Flying in FORMATION!
Who hasn’t been thrilled at the sight of precision formation flying teams as they move across the sky, seemingly as if they were tied together? There’s no magic trick—just skill, practice and discipline!
The AAA Formation Flying course is designed to teach licensed pilots the techniques, skills and knowledge required to conduct safe, proficient formation flight.
The course begins with a tutorial on the fundamentals of formation flight, including the all-important pre-flight briefing, the roles of the leader and wingman and techniques for staying safely “on the wing.”
The flying component includes:
Station keeping and station changes;
Manoeuvring as a formation;
Break-away and re-join procedures; and
Formation take-offs and landings.
The AAA Formation Flying Course is great for pilots wanting to up-skill their RPL or PPL and will refine both your “stick and rudder” skills and airborne situational awareness to a degree unparalleled in single-aircraft flight.
Completion of the course provides a CASR Part 61 Formation Flying endorsement.
Please note: We recommend you have a formation partner when commencing this course, however, if you do not have one there are options available! Training may also be conducted in your own aircraft. Please contact us to discuss.
Giving new instructors the skills to teach with confidence.
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Grade Three Flight Instructor Rating syllabus requires trainee instructors to be endorsed to conduct fully developed spins to ensure that flight instructor trainees are proficient at spin recovery techniques before teaching incipient spinning (CASR Table 61.1235 Item 3A).
Unfortunately for most flight training organisations, finding a training aircraft with fully-developed spin recovery capability, as well as a qualified instructor experienced in such instruction, can be costly, time-consuming and not have the desired outcome! This can lead to a serious gap in confidence and awareness of stall / spin recovery for new instructors.
The Academy’s Robin 2160i is the ideal spin training aircraft. With completely predictable spin characteristics, it is similar in performance to most trainee instructor’s initial training aircraft, such as the Piper PA28 series. This is a far cry from under-powered Cessna 152 that takes an eternity to climb to height (wasting time and money), and “fire-breathing monsters” like the Pitts Special, which tend to be more intimidating than helpful in providing positive learning outcomes with inexperienced pilots.
Even if you’re a Recreational, Private or Commercial pilot, this brief course is a great asset! Previously optional under the CASA Commercial Pilot Licence syllabus, the new Part 61 Manual of Standards have now removed this requirement from CPL training completely! Under the expert guidance of experienced instructors, you will be exposed you to stall / spin recognition and emergency recovery techniques and debunk the myths and fears of the “dreaded tailspin!”
DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY! Refer your instructor trainees to the aerobatic and spin recovery experts at the Australian Aerobatic Academy! We are the preferred supplier of flight instructor spin training to a number of organisations who conduct flight instructor rating training, and can tailor a course to suit your organisation’s requirements.